An insult used by 10th graders dating 7th graders trying to defend how disgusting they are
“I’m dating a 7th grader, and this guy knows how wrong it is, He’s a day dreamer meat beater”
the thing that gives Browns fans a stiffy and solace during the crisp fall evenings when the days shorten and the temperatures drop while the football season is still young: the hopeful prospect of beating the Pittsburgh Steelers, not once, but TWICE, in a single season. This is the maniacal fever dream of all desperate Browns fans.
--Did you hear Reggie going on about the Browns taking it to the Steelers twice this year?
--Yeah the Browns are already 0-5. Reggie's a real Cleveland Dreamer.
a state of complete consciousness that keeps you up all night, longing for something that feels incredibly far away.. Usually occurs at night but daydreamers fever may also take place.
Sky never sleeps because she caught “dreamer fever” ever since she started rapping.
The Dream fan base.
A very stupid and useless species.
OMG!!! uwu ARE u A DREAMER????????? uwu
I wear a mask for hours at a time stare at the cieling where i hold back whtas on my mind.
A person with low expectations and still manages to fail.
The young chap was a dreamer, never to succeed.