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red exhaust situation

The idiosyncratic desire of an owner of an expensive yacht or motorboat who deems a certain, although often trivial, point to be very important.

A 'red exhaust situation' means that it matters to the owner even if you might think it pointless or ridiculous.

The Riva Aquarama, the most iconic speedboat ever made has red painted exhaust outlets but the paint gets easily blown off due to the chromed surface. The owner of a Riva Aquarama will often insist that the exhausts are red. Hence a 'red exhaust situation'

by vanderhoff February 29, 2012

Type 2 Exhaustion

Your will power is like a muscle. Whilst you can certainly make it stronger, it eventually gets tired. There will be days when you don't feel like doing anything. That's because your will power is exhausted. This is what's called "Type 2 Exhaustion".

P: Hey man, did you finish that chapter from the compiler book?
S: Nah, man. I have type 2 exhaustion. I'll start studying from next week.

by sudw1n October 30, 2023

Canadian Exhaust Pipe

Firstly a man must stick his own index finger into his pee hole up to the first knuckle. Then slowly remove index finger and insert a lit cigarette (filter first). Quickly begin to have rigorous and sweaty buttsex with another man. If the cigarette falls out of the first mans pee hole the partners must then switch positions. This act continues until either a.) You use an entire pack of cigarettes or b.) you ejaculate onto cigarette. If scenario b occurs the ejaculator then makes the other partner smoke the cum drenched cigarette.

It took Matt and Dave 4 hours to finish their Canadian Exhaust Pipe.

by BOATS! July 30, 2009

8πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

rusty exhaust pipe

To have a rusty exhaust pipe is an expression which is usually used as an excuse to pardon one's own inability to keep one's anus clean/one's bottom shaved for pleasurable anal sex.
It can be said in front of one's partner both in a homosexual and heterosexual relationship.

However, the actual fact if the stated is really true or not is not important. The affected person is rather able to express himself/herself by using euphemistic vocabulary and thus without using derogative language.
Therefore, persons employing this excuse might also be trying to cover their sheer weariness or laziness to have anal sex with their partner for personal, moral or whatever reasons.

possible forms to say:
- to have a rusty exhaust (pipe)
- to suffer from a rusty exhaust (pipe)
- to have rust in one's exhaust (pipe)

"Come into the bed already, Antonia. I need you here urgently."
"Sorry, cutie, not this time. I've got rust in my exhaust."
"Well how about a nice mouthfuck instead? You like that, don't you?"
"Good night, honey. I'll see you tomorrow."

"You know what to do. Lose your pants and bend over the table while I do some... doctorstuff there..."
"I'm sorry, Doctor Dawson, but my mother really wants me to get checked this time. I'm not here for...this again."
"You're kidding right? I'm already as horny for your little teen-ass as a prepubescent nerd for a skank in a homemade porn movie."
"...uhh also, I've got a rusty exhaust pipe back there."
"Here's your doctor's note. Now get outta here before I have second thoughts!"

by BulligerVerstand August 19, 2007

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15 Inch Exhaust

Attached to kadafis car

An exhaust like a 'cannon' that makes a loud rumble


Justin > Yeh very bassy


by Bogan Killer, Hectic Social Halim December 25, 2004

7πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Fart can performance exhaust

Called a "fart can" due to the fact that some sound like a fart. An exhaust that's derived from the glasspack exhaust, it has a straight through exhaust tube to provide as much exhaust flow as possible with a large tip. Usually made from steel and titanium. Mostly found on imported vehicles. It contains a fiberglass or steel wool packing (sometimes both) between the exhaust tube (which has holes or baffles to direct the exhaust into the packing) and the outer shell.

"My friend has a fart can performance exhaust on his Honda"
"the fart can is really a glorified glasspack"

"both the glasspack and fart can work on the principle of absorption"

by TheFlacker99 November 15, 2012

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exhaust whore

A Harley Davidson owner who is obsessed with changing the sound of his bike with expensive exhaust systems

Bro, your bike sounds fine! Don’t be such and exhaust whore!

by Moto x chad February 14, 2018