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A ugly snitch, always betrays his friends. He dares to look you in the eyes and tells you to be his friend. Then you kick his ass and leave him in the street

Fabian and Vanessa, sitting under a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G

by Veggies/ Dirt November 17, 2017

5πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Fabian is just another word for gay in Swahili

That gay guy looks like a Fabian

by Bigdickryry March 25, 2019

2πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A fat ducking bastard that should actually go die

Fabian is a ducking fag, as well as smelling like a cheeto, what a schmoe.

by PotatoeYee April 18, 2019

2πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Fabian is an amazing boyfriend.He also has a girlfriend named Ema. He lives her so much and he would do anything for her. they’ll be always together , they are so damn cute and smart people.

Fabian is a sexy bf

by emiXx November 5, 2019

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A very kind guy ... he has you wrapped up and thinking your his all .. not loyal in a relationship but very great as a friend . Very vicious and stays mad at everything , don’t get stuck with one you’ll regret it.

Fabian cheated on me again .

by imloyal12321 February 19, 2019

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

A Fabian

A desperate attempt to get a hit out of a cached bowl.

A cached hit.

A hit composed of ash, weed, and resin.

A risky hit.

History of the fabian.

During a live smoke session, Fabian asks "Who's got the bowl?" Lucas says, "I do. But you don't want to hit this, it's cached." With a look of determination Fabian replied... "There's ALWAYS a hit left," and proceeded without hesitation. Resulting in a MONSTER hit that tasted like shit and left him with a mouthful of ash.

It takes a real man to pull a fabian!

Jon: Yo do you want a fabian?
Zac: Is there any pot left?
Jon: Yeah.
Zac: Hell no! Pack it up!

Jon: Yo do you want a fabian?
Zac: Is there any pot left?
Jon: No.
Zac: Yea give me that shit!

We're out of that fire :( but... We can pull some fabians. :\

Nick attempted to pull a fabian, failed, and got a mouthful of ash.

Confucius Say: "One can tell a lot by the size of a man's fabian."

Confucius Say: "In times of need with no weed, a fabian indeed!"

Confucius Say: "A fabian a day, keeps the dealer away."

by Fellowship of the Fabian January 6, 2010

54πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž




by NOT FABIAN October 12, 2018