A pair of men's briefs or boxer briefs that have a fun design/pattern on them.
He was wearing pair of watermelon fundies, there were seeds everywhere!
A cool coder,Minecraft Twitch streamer,and YouTuber that is smart and funny,and also is good friends with Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit,Tubbo and lots more cool Youtubers and Twitch Streamers.
Note: This is just a test, i don’t know what i am doing.
A funny coder fox that i watch
He is not a furry. (yes he is)
‘Fundy is a furry.’
A Tampa, Florida, based website that has a presence on facebook SFLBlog; noted for observing the Independent Baptist weirdness as the factions within these congregations vary. The light blue blog on wordpress weighed in on one of the same churches a year earlier in 2014. This one had the gall to include a video from the said church where they were doing one known as "The Bible Stands" as the blog related how they changed it to "The King James Bible Stands."
The commentary on the link known as "Six Degrees of Separation" were discussing the journalistic investigative report known as Preying from the Pulpit. In 2013 they showed a website known as "Bible Ray Says" as it's an Independent Baptist site that follows the teachings of Peter S. Ruckman (don't ask on the last one! He teaches how Satan knocked up Eve to produce Cain.) Fundie is the slang for Independent Fundamental Baptist; as they often portray The Devil as being with red skin and resembling the Roman God, Pan. These congregations often mock academia and promote pseudo-academia.
It was by sheer chance I found that website; as I did the in depth blog on wordpress known as "King James Only Examined" in the summer of 2014. I had seen others weigh in on the King James Only Movement over the years and Independent Baptist congregations. The website by sheer chance I found was the weird news blogger, Stuff Fundies Like, as they also weighed in on the same church I did but featured one of their YouTube videos going far back as 2009. What's even weirder is the page KJV 1611 which is managed by the said church has about 187K followers as the son of the minister is a follower of the cybervangelist I weighed in on in the piece "Am I Making This Up?" The father did puff piece of Gail Riplinger in his sermon who was busted for being a compulsive liar and slandered people posthumously as David Cloud did a piece on her speaking of her vivid imagination.
father fundy is used to define the ownership of a child. Father fundy has 5 children. It is cannon
Father fundy adopted me! Now I call him father fundy!! Pog!
Father fundy is used in a dsmp roleplay server to define the ownership of Father fundys children
Oh yeah father fundy adopted me
a copycat of fundy which is 10x worse and plays minecraft and is better at bedwars than fundy
Piedxia: you know Purple Fundy
ScrubbyLocks: oh the furry?