nickname from Congress for Dr. Sununu
Governor So-Know-It-All was a general contractor in NH.
nickname from Congress for Dr. Sununu
Governor So-Know-It-All was a general contractor in NH.
Just a guy (or gal) like everyone else. What makes a visit from a governor such a big day or a big deal? What makes an executive order from a governor such a big deal for that matter? His bank account or his title?
A governor doesn't really seem better at anything in particular than anybody else (any of his/her subjects), yet for some reason they tend to obey people like him/her without asking themselves why they keep doing it.
Someone that makes mistakes and bleeds like everyone else, which people don't forget if he's not doing a good job.
The governor bleeds like everyone else.
A guy that, for some reason, people think is more important than everyone else, kind of like a president.
People put a lot of importance on what a governor says, when he really he's just a guy (or she's just a gal) like everyone else. One that makes mistakes like everyone else.
A governor of the Algorand Blockchain.
'Them over there in the lambo...they were an original algorand governor'
Term for someone who is annoying and infringing. Family Joke. Derived from Gavin Newsom