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Harley built siege equipment on my island... Harley is a cunt.

by Harley the cunt April 29, 2018

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harley is a huge thot

β€œwho’s that girl?”
β€œoh her, that’s a harley, stay away from her”

by jimwaterss February 9, 2018

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Harley is an amazing boy to have around you. He will never forget about you and is always caring. He’s so nice to you and always nice to other people. Harley has a great smile and always smiling. He is person that you’ll never forget. You’re lucky to have a Harley in your life because Harley is so caring and nice. He is talented and very smart. He helps other people when there need. He is great at making bracelets for other people. He always put people up and never people down. You are just very lucky if you have a Harley in your life because he will always care for you and always be there for you and always make you laugh

Wow Harley is amazing
He is an amazing person

by By: MA January 11, 2018

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Very sarcastic person gets annyoing. Is a very addicted smoker and will never get over Childish Gambino. Terrible fortnite player. Very unco ordinated.

Smart in English

Damn bro that was a Harley

by Your mum gae March 6, 2018

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Harley is an amazing young man who care what you think, he will drop whatever he is doing just to help you. If you ever find one make sure that you don't lose him.

Girl one: who is that he is so cute

Girl two: thats a Harley, best friend you will ever have

by Minty fresh June 3, 2018

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A amazing boy who get all the girls and he is very loyal and wont dump you for someone else.

Oh see the boy over there it must be a harley

by Hipe9629 June 16, 2018

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An inbred faggot

John: who’s that

Mike: a harley

by gay faggot 81 March 1, 2019

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