Show your cock to the homies!
May 18
Wow john did u see carls cock! That shit was hot!
I am so glad its National show the homies your cock day!
February 13th you must clap your homies cheeks on sight on fonemgrave
Bros over hoez
Its National Clap Your homies Cheeks Day, you better hide them cheeks
Smack the homies ass day: Smak the homies ass day is a day on november 29th where it is legal and socially acceptable to smack your freinds ass angrily at any time.
Person 1: Hey
Person 1: Happy smack the homies ass day
On December 31, you and your homie have full permission to be each others new years kiss. Go to your closest homie and give them a kiss for good luck in the new year
Bro, it’s December 31 and my girl isn’t here
Well, it’s Kiss your homie day normally, so we might as well kiss