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I want to go home

I want to go home

i want to go home O K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by pp head penis mouth March 15, 2022

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

at least i had a go

to everyone goes out on the piss, gets so drunk you spew all over yourself or wakes up in the gutter with a dog eating shit out of your arse, wakes up next to someone and thinks ''what the fuck was i thinking'', wakes up in a cell, wakes up thinking who the fuck was that bloke i was talking to all night, who go on trip away and break out in a rash from too much goon.

There is an explanation to your actions and its ''AT LEAST I HAD A GO''

wakes up in the gutter with a dog eating shit out of your arse, BUT at least i had a go

by HaveAGo December 9, 2009

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i gotta go see a man about a dog

I have some things to do which are totally none of your business. EG. Drug Deal, Sex with someone we both know, Family Issue

Person 1: " So where you off to?"

Person 2: " I gotta go see a man about a dog"

Person 1: ( sits there silently knowing that they are unimportant enough to be told anything by anyone )

by glengofor December 28, 2011

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I don't wanna go

10th Doctor's last words

^^How to make a nerd cry in 4 words;
The 10th Doctor is dying and regenerating. Tennant improvises:
"I don't wanna go."

by DoctorWho2020binging March 26, 2021

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should i go study my history and science i have a test tomorrow and im so fucked


should i go study my history and science i have a test tomorrow and im so fucked

by tofuwithlettuce October 10, 2023

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Your a hater I dab go you

Your a hater I dab go you

Your a hater I dab go you

by Your a hater I dab go you March 4, 2022

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I Am Going To Kill The President Of The United States Of America

A punk/rock/alternative metal song by Leathermouth (Stylised as LeATHERMØUTH) which was banned from being performed by the FBI. The song threatened the US President and was banned for violating the law against that specific act. The band still performed the song at the 2013 Skate and Surf fest, where Frank Iero encouraged the audience to sing the correct lyrics which weren't forcibly changed by the FBI. Frank Iero is still on the FBI watchlist, and is therefore unable to safely voice his opinions about BLM and ACAB, although he would most certainly be all for the two (as any decent human being should be).

Person 1: What are you listening to?
Person 2: It's "I Am Going To Kill The President Of The United States Of America" by Leathermouth
Person 1: Um, ok then, I guess I'll avoid you from now on, as I worship Trump and the US flag on an unhealthy level

by xx_bloody_xx January 2, 2021

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