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Facebook Idea

An idea that you come up with that has the ability to make you billions of dollars.

Similar to the idea of Facebook that Mark Zuckerberg came up with in 2004. He is now one of the youngest billionaires in the world.

Guy: I'm sick of running out money. I need to come up with a Facebook Idea.

by ryantornado October 11, 2010

Ideas Man

A man of bigger sized brain. A man who Mr Nguyen trusts with his life-and more importantly his career-to come up with ideas for him.

I need my ideas man...... Hayden, can you give me some ideas!?

by MrMan4Life September 3, 2019

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Animal Ideas

Ideas for people who don't like ideas. Kind of like computer ideas, only more stupid stuff that no one uses.

I have animal ideas so I have no friends.

by C. Frey August 22, 2006

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Idea ball

A Nigerian street football slang for a flashy looking pass that ends up being useful to nobody. It's usually executed with a copious amount of unnecessary finesse.

1. Thiago alcantara completed 12 idea balls against Manchester United

by Icy_sign January 24, 2021

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idea kraut

someone who rejects a good idea because of someones features such as tit size or erection size or boy or girl

judy-i think obama sucks bidens D!<K

John- i think obama sucks bidens D!<K

friend-ohh good observation john, judy stop slacking off!!!

judy-what an idea kraut

by kraut123 October 18, 2010

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The Idea/Suggestion board is pretty much the greatest board out there. It grows the best flowers, and has the best apple trees and smells the best (except for when Sess opens his mouth and his bad breath spreads all over). Fluffy and Sess like to *believe* they are the queen and king of the board, but everyone knows fat people can't rule any form or section on the Neoboards! The real queen is Mustang, and the king is Luke! They are probably the coolest people in the world. Luke hasn't been around in a while, but don't fret, he'll make a HUGE comeback.

This is what happens on the Idea/Suggestion board:
Sess: *fartz*
Fluffy: *lol*
Luke: *fartz bigger and better in every way*
Mustang: *drools*

by thehypocriteisback May 1, 2009

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Idea Banker

1. An individual who maintains a wealth of knowledge & wisdom which is consistently collected from one and dispersed to another.

2. Profiting from the collection and disbursement of knowledge & wisdom through sponsorship, currency or viewership volume.

This guy is not hoarding knowledge, he's an Idea Banker.

by IdeaBanker.com December 14, 2009

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