Greece's Got Talent is basically America's Got Talent, except it takes place in Greece, the judges are stricter and the acts are not as good.
Right now I'm in the bathroom because I drank too much ice tea watching Greece's Got Talent with my family.
Person 343: Athens, Croatia Cuba, Greece , Mongolia And Spain Is
when you get that greek salad from wherever you get it from, just know it’s from me. I made that greek salad
when you get the greek salad it’s from me, from greece
Her: I went to Greece for the summer!
Him: You mean Eastern Türkiye?
A country in the south of Europe, bordering the Aegean Sea, the Ionian sea and the Mediterranean sea. It borders Türkiye, Bulgaria, North Monkeydonia and Albania. It’s population has been declining and is currently sitting in 10 Million.
Greece is home to beaches full of painfully shit-tons of rocks!