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The most perfect, amazing, beautiful girl in the world. Simply flawless, and has a heart for only one truly blessed man, Dan.

Jenna is the nicest person i know

I know! Shes the best.

by Dbren July 8, 2011

45πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


Jennas are very unique people. All of them have different characteristics. The one thing they do have in common though is their good samaritan hearts. They love to give back to others and it makes them happy to see others happy.

Wow, Jenna is so cool and nice.

by Roger's_Falsetto November 26, 2018

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


I very cool girl who is good at everything

wow Jenna is cool

by jseidman December 9, 2021


Someone with negative Rizz

Have you heard? Jenna has Negative rizz

by trainbus4 January 21, 2023

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The prettiest girl you will ever see...ever. She’s weird in a good way and is super funny. You will never have a bad time with her and it will be hard to not want to be her best friend. She will always be there for you and will never not try to help you. She is the bestest friend that anyone could ask for.

I love Jenna

by Definater March 3, 2019

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Shy, dorky, but fun in her own way. She's smart and tends to her own mind. She has lots of friends in the "nerdy, quiet group". She's pretty nice and friendly but unrecognized by a lot of popular people, but isn't exactly hated by anyone, either. She's up for anything and almost never hates others, but rather might "dislike" someone because of something reasonable. She's not "cool", but definitely not "school's most hated" either!

You: Who are you with for the science project? I'm paired up with that girl who never talks in the corner of the class.
Me: Her? She's a Jenna. Don't worry, she's not the worst one you can be partnered up with.

by This Girl Right Here! July 6, 2012

36πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


happens to be the coolest kid in oregon

Wow I wish I knew Jenna! She is tight!

by arieljopp May 27, 2008

169πŸ‘ 210πŸ‘Ž