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Tsk tsk tsk *finger wag* you're going to Hell for that one.

It's NOT about deciding who exists and who doesn't. It's about casting judgement in it's (The Creature) stead. That was the base impulse for me at least.

by Hym Iam April 5, 2022


Phrase of Minos Prime from ULTRAKILL, when he says that, he actually judges your soul, and then, destroys you fucking soul and you fucking die.

"Holy fuck, i´m dead"

by Omega Gay December 15, 2023


Judgement is an assessment of a proven causality of an act social norms, standards or social laws

The judge said that given the current set of laws, the defendant would be plead guilty.
She was so judgmental about her outfit and said it would not be inappropriate to wear for this occasion.
His judgement seemed appropriate since the practices are widely adopted around the globe for many years.

by John Sailor February 18, 2019


the act of judging a particularly nasty drink

I'm blaming her and her judgementality of my drink

by miraculousmammy July 29, 2011

Superficial Judgement

A bitchwho judges others by their looks or race etc.

Typically are stereotypedthings.

Superficial judgement: “People with tattoos are trash”
Black people with rape more than white”

by TruthUnknown September 8, 2019

discord judgement day

on December 24th mods/admins are allowed to ban people that are furries or furry related on discord the owner can't do anything about it however this only last for 1 day.

mark:aye its discord judgement day

john:oh really?

mark:yeah lets ban furries from our discord server

by biggiecheesexd December 19, 2020

Undertale judgement day

a bad highly unfunny lego men game in this bad game you play has sand underman and his alternate versions or the j the j is very overpowered he is know for making error 404 users poop their pants whethever you use him (the j is an evil being that takes the form of underswap papyrus)

guy 1: undertale judgement day sucks!

UJD pro player: stfu

by azuwka July 18, 2022