Source Code

Justin Beiber

I have no idea who this is because is you're looking for JUSTIN BIEBER his name is not spelled this way. Just FYI.

1: DO you spell that amazing singer's name B-E-I-B-E-R?
2: No!!! It's B-I-E-B-E-R!!!
1: Oops! I'll never make that mistake again!!
2: You better not!!!

Remember, it's not justin beiber, it's justin bieber.

by ahfreakingmazing April 6, 2011

15πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

Justin Beiber

A short, tiny, weak, useless and idiotic man-girl who has never gone through puberty and acts like the world revolves around him. Did I also mention that he sounds a lot like a dying cat being raped, tortured and stabbed to death?

The idiot who sang that song with the lyrics "Baby, baby, baby, oh." You know, Justin Beiber.

by ThisIsAReallyLongNamePenisssss November 13, 2014

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

#justin beiber

Cancerous shit. Made Despacito a meme because he was in it.

#justin beiber

by August 4, 2018

justin beiber

the thing that sucks.

No example for you, bitch face. justin beiber

by fucking gay bitch March 28, 2011

71πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

justin beiber

the gayest person ever to have lived.

"OMG justin beiber is such a faggot!" " i knooowwww

by the jizzonater May 18, 2011

121πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

justin beiber

a 15 year old who is secretly a 9 year old girl and doesnt hid it well who never should have gotten signed to be in music

1: he did you hear about justin beibers secret

2: no

1: he's secretly a 9 year old girl
2: dude that was never a secret

by taytay1293 February 13, 2011

132πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

Justin beiber

A big talentless duche bag.

Justin beiber-*exists*
The whole world- nOOOoooOOoo

by -Pastel Sushi Roll- October 6, 2020

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž