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kaleb skylar kraft

A fag who is gay but is hiding it and only wears hats when it's Un necessary

Jamal was just acting kaleb skylar Kraft when he got turned on by the man without a shirt

by Ben Reems December 7, 2016

Collin Kraft


Collin Kraft is a Mansplainer

by Yourentiremother2 March 1, 2023

Kraft singles American cheese

Kraft American cheese singles great to make grilled cheeses with.

Recipe: take two slices of bread
Take two slices of Kraft singles American cheese, put the cheese on the bread, heat up on a stove with butter on each side of the bread, heat up til cheese is melted.

by Señorita.Estrellita August 29, 2018

That's Kraft

A reference to the level of "cheesy" or "lameness" of a statement or situation

If you see a woman walking down the street with a tiny, shaky dog in an over sized purse, you might say "That's Kraft" to the friend sitting next to you.

Can be used for any other "cheesy" situation

by PapaPJoeMama January 19, 2011