That driver who can't regulate their own speed so drives themselves up to the rear bumper of the car in front of them regardless of the speed until you pull over then they attach to the next car in line
This speed leach was following me through traffic for 20 miles 6 " off my bumper, then when I pulled over he pulled up on the bumper of the guy in front of me doing 30 mph!
An overweight Ginger lass that clings onto her ex’s mates on a night out. ~ Often sighted in the Filthys night establishment on the Bigg Market
“Waaah, wor bruiser is being a leach tonight, won’t leave the poor lad and his muckers alone”
A bitch made person, a liar, a cheat and a thief
Oh come on Nick, dont be a leach now.
that one guy who is just hanging around someone WAY to much and ITS LOWKEY UNCOMFORTABLE LMFAOOO😹🤡
he/she is on the precipice of "pick-me."
its quite likely they give big dumbo wumbo energy, and often L bozo.🤡🤡
doesn't like pickles. 😭🙅 ♂️
(pronounced the same as "leech"💀💀😭)
"get out of here, you stinky leach."
"omg ho'o you're giving leach."
"hey leach, get your backpack off mine"
A person who can’t stop touching people
Likes to call men handsome.
Someone who mostly has brain damage and a dent in their head from getting dropped as a baby.
Ho’o ur a leach and a dumbo wumbo 😹
A girl that gets attached to a guy and blows him once and never stops sucking
Those that stick around to commit acts in order to achieve (in their mind) a greater purpose .
They can quickly be sorted out if they look to not fit in.
I let em stick around because i knew he was a leach. And that theyd give up information valuable enough to keep listening to His garbil. (Leaches can only thrive through their failures and others success )