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ugly laugh

When you are laughing soo hard that you look in the mirror or catch a glance at your reflection and the awkward and ugly face you make. Usually you laugh even harder for the ugly face that you HAVE to make when laughing that hard.

"Oh my God, when I saw that girl pee her pants on the dance floor I couldn't help but to laugh. Then, I realized it was my girlfriend and I started ugly laughing."

by Yam Bobar aka T.B.B.F.F. April 2, 2009

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courtesy laugh

When someone tells a really long story that really has no point to it at all and at the end you make a little chuckle, giggle, or laugh out of courtesy.

Friends mom: *insert long pointless story here*
You: *chuckle*
Friend: That was such a couresy laugh

by Lauren was here May 29, 2005

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When you are laughing so hard that your eyes start to tear.

Diane told a hilarious joke and courtney started cry-laughing!

by Lorraineee March 15, 2009

44๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stoner Laugh

A distinctive high-pitched squeal of a hyena laugh that only comes about when someone is high. This is completely independent of their regular 'un-high' laugh, and often sounds nothing like it. The more excited a stoner gets, the higher the pitch of the laugh. It is up for debate whether or not it's actually the weed that causes this girl-like giggle, or if it's more of a weed-cultural influence on stoners, much like a dialect or accent. ie. The more people who laugh like this while stoned, the more stoners will adopt said laugh, either consciously or sub-consciously.

My roommate's stoner laugh sounds like a shy Japanese girl watching cartoons while having an orgasm.

by vorpal11 August 9, 2011

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laughing gas

Nitrous oxide. Can be bought over the internet for 'culinary purposes'. A cheap drug that makes everything funnier, usually taken in a balloon so you get oxygen as well and don't die.

Mike: Dude do you wanna buy me some laughing gas?
Brett: Shit man i'm skint you get it.

by Abraham Smith April 30, 2007

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Yandere Laugh

A Yandere Laugh Is When A Yandere Lets Out Her Insanity and After Their Evil Laughter They Will Feel Fine Again.

*Tsunaka-san Dies from severe blood loss from being stabbed by saku*
*Saku does a Yandere Laugh*
*She Becomes calm*

by ItsFound August 20, 2018

Taco Laugh

When one laughs so hard that their mouth goes very wide open and the corners of their lips become highly rounded - so that when viewed side-on, their lips literally take the shape of a taco shell.

If you manage to get a side-on image of your friends taco laughing, it is guaranteed to become a crowning meme in the group.

Me: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Friend: I don't know, why did the chicken cross the road?
Friend: OMG HAHHAHAHAHAHA -Taco Laughs-
Me: -Takes picture, posts it on group chat-
Friend: Oh no did you take a picture of me taco laughing?
Me: Yeah I took a picture of you taco laughing!
Friend: Ugh my mouth is in the shape of a taco in this image!
Me: Yup, that's why it's called the taco laugh!!!

by Lefty Power 123 July 7, 2019