This is the name of a man who has many exemplary traits. Including but not limited to, great hair, very strong muscles, being a sigma male, and all around the definition of your perfect man. Although you may think his name dictates his abilities in bed that is quite the opposite for he is a freak in the sheets.
God I wish I could date lesbo.
A lesbiphobic slur/derogatory word used towards lesbians.
Do not say this word unless you are lesbian.
Daniel: "Dude she told me she was a lesbo!"
Max: "Hey, dude, you probably shouldn't say that, my lesbian friend told me it was derogatory."
Daniel: "Oh shit sorry man, i didn't know. I wont say it again"
a noun
a slang term for lesbians, it can be considered a slur to different lesbians.
1: whats up my lesbos?
2: shut the fuck up faggot
3: guys calm the fuck down
2: fruitcup
lesbo is a synonyme to the word lesbian that is used in some languages all the time IT IS NOT A SLUR but in enlish where there is other namings for lesbo (lesbian etc.) it is best to avoid saying it since some people find it offensive
language where its the only option (its finnish i used google translate)
-moi mä on johana ja mun seksualisuus on lesbo :)
in english
-hi im joanne and im in a lesbo relationship
a way to refer to a lesbian person, usually in a non-supportive way
Person: Did you hear SOMEONE came out as a lesbian?
Very rude friend: what a lesbo.