Slang for laugh out silent when something isn't really funny, created by some kids that had too much time on their hands.
Kid 1: Knock knock
Kid 2: Who's there
Kid 1: Boo
Kid 2: Boo who
Kid 1: Stop crying
Kid 2: Ha los
8๐ 18๐
Slang abbreviation for 'lol' (laugh out loud) meaning to "Laugh out".
"lo lo lo That's hilarious"
"I am lo'ing (laughing out) right now.
12๐ 34๐
v. laugh out silently
n. LOS'er
Handsome Jeff told a joke and made Judy LOS........also she crapped her pants.
6๐ 14๐
A short form of the term 'lack of snow'. One may suffer this during the summer periods and usually only occurs to skiers, snowboarders etc.
OMG, this summer is so long! I think I'm suffering from LOS.
5๐ 12๐
Laughing Out softly. Use on Laughing at night... so dun disturb ur neighbours.... opposite meaning to LOL
i dun wanna disturb the neighbours!
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LOS can also stand for
LOS-Lady of Soul, aka Jenny F,radio DJ on CHOICE FM, UK (dated 2006)
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