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San Mateo

SAN MATEO. pretty much the bombest place to be in Bayy Ara. Home to drifters, rich white hoes, druggies going to ivy league schools, irish pubs, hot-cheeto eating mexicanos and a few blacks/asians. Pretty much divided up into two sections...one side of the freeway is gangstaland (bayside midd school, college park, fiesta gardens) and theres the white Baywood freaks, burlingame BIS kids, the sexy centrals...other shit. Most of the gansta's hang out Downtown San mateo on Friday nights outside the theater. Hell yeah.

Damn she's hella beaner...probably from Bayside in "San Mateo".
Damn...she's hella white...probably from Baywood San Mateo.

by Shanaanagurlzz650 August 6, 2011

56๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

san mateo

San Mateo is a medium-sized city just south of San Francisco. It rocks. The city is the home of many famous people, including Patriot's Quarterback Tom Brady.

San Mateo is way better then P-Town and R-Dub combined.

by SanMateoB&R May 10, 2005

267๐Ÿ‘ 151๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mateo Monster

"Mateo is a usually mild-mannered creature who, when supplied with an adequate amount of guac, is very calm and easy to talk to.

If Mateo does not have his guac, he turns into the Mateo Monster.

The Mateo Monster will stop at nothing to get his guacamole.

When confronted by the Mateo Monster, you have two options:

1. Give him guac

2. Run like hell

Mateo is not himself someone pls make him some guac before he transforms once again to the Mateo monster

by Adrienne yo December 23, 2016

san mateo

the best place in the bayy.california 650, includes coyote point which has the best sunsets and beaches.home to the borel bobcats and the aragon dons.has too many ghetto people but is a great place to live.nicknamed madeo.

we helluhsickk people live in san mateo!

by borelmiddleskewl November 17, 2007

85๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mateo Kovacic

A phenomenally skillful player who is not rated by virgins on FT because he dosen't statpads or commits 7 haircuts in 4 days. In short the best, player on the ball, who helps his team win immensely.

My boyfriend is like mateo kovacic, he always makes me finish, unlike himself.

by Metalm\m/ December 10, 2020

pull a mateo

to flip someone off with the middle finger

He will pull a mateo if he gets fired.

by themateo March 25, 2008

Mateo + Christine

A cute ship that everyone agrees on, also usually They turn out to have lots of disagreements between each other.

They usually go to school together

Boy one: " I ship you with Christine"
Boy two: "Ohhhhh Mateo + Christine"
Boy one: "Haha"

by SWEDISH MEATBALLS!(from choir) October 17, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž