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mellis is a cute relationship, usually they deny they are dating. usually a big age gap as well

person 1: them too look so cute together definitely a “mellis” moment going on there
person 2: i bet they shag after concerts

by mileskanelovesellis’feet69 November 20, 2021


Mellis is a couple, Miles Kane and Ellis Bartlett.
They definitely shag in their spare time. They deny it but all the signs are obvious

Person 1: “Did you see the photos of Ellis and Miles?”
Person 2: “Yes they definitely shagged after that #mellismoment”

by ConeAlCult March 21, 2022


A warden with luscious, purple hair that 100% smells awful and luscious ass cheeks to pair with it. There ain't no way on god's green earth he smells good. His partner has butt cheeks for a face and attacks by shooting fart missiles. He's the warden of BALLS, which are notoriously stinky. Despite all this, i think I'd smash if given the opportunity.

Melli is the smelliest warden. Smelli Melli. I hope he dies

by i am crying on the floor May 10, 2022


Mellis' best friends are often called Fenja and Kaja. She is an amazing person.

Person 1: hey, how amazing is mellis?
Person 2: She is as amazing as the whole universe!!!!

by November 21, 2021