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Moto Moto

A Big Man that has a very large cock and will distory women with is looks

I think Moto Moto likes you

by Henwa March 8, 2019

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Moto Moto

A sexy man who likes em big and chunky. Moto Moto is a God like Shrek and should be worshipped especially if your big and plumpy.

My dream: Being straight

My obstacle: Moto Moto

by YourmomgaylololXD March 5, 2019

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Moto moto

A hippo that likes everyone and when someone says โ€œmoto moto likes youโ€ you basically have to sing โ€œI like em big, I like em chunkyโ€

Person A: Moto Moto likes You.
Person B: I like em big I like em chunky

by I think moto moto likes You ;) March 20, 2019

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Moto Moto

A meme that became popular out of nowhere

Person 1: I think Moto Moto likes you
Person 2: โ€ฆwut

by UnoriginalIdiot28 June 21, 2019

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Moto Moto

A thicc hipopotamisssssss that is thicc and is also thicc who also is thicc. However, he is thicc

Moto Moto is thicc

by tlozfan March 13, 2020

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Liquid Moto Moto

Moto Moto but liquid

Hippo:Look out i think liquid moto moto likes you
Moto Moto: *Is liquid so cant move*

by KIDNAMEDSHREK March 22, 2019

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Moto Moto Porn

Moto Moto porn was discovered by Callum Harries in 1669 by watching hippos shag

Damn moto Moto porn is hot af

by Large Cheese 420 January 10, 2020