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To describe someone who flexes on em

Bruh you a dexter

by Its ya boi T.R October 17, 2016

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A dumbass

What a dexter.

by 2BEans February 19, 2019

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


When a woman lies to a man about finishing her menstrual cycle in order to coerce him into sex. Either upon completion of, or during the act of sex it becomes clearly apparent that the woman is in fact still menstruating by the blood spatter visible both on the man, and on the surrounding area.

A direct reference to the TV show Dexter where the main character works as a blood spatter analyst with a severe dislike for evil-doers ( in this case lying women).

You dextered me!

I got dextered by my girlfriend last night.

by alfalfasprout July 7, 2010

10πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


Someone who identifies with the "Right" portion of the modern political spectrum, is openly critical of "Leftists", but who is actually hypocritical in terms of being guilty of using the same tactics, and shows the same qualities as those that they are criticizing. eg
Shouting someone down so that they can't speak during a debate, but will claim a violation of their Freedom of Expression when denied use of a microphone.

Often "follows the Libertarian herd" because they like the image of being an individualist, but only if they feel supported by a group.

Someone whose understanding of being "Right" is that they don't like being told what they can or cannot do, even though they have no self discipline, are a detriment to society, and see no connection between responsibility and freedom.

Watches the videos of Joe Rogan, Ben Shapiro, or Jordan Peterson, only understands a fraction of what is being discussed. Often will quote words or phrases with no clue about what they actually mean.

The conservative equivalent of snowflakes, SJWs, Cultural Marxists,uses virtue signalling, etc.

(derived from the archaic term for 'right handed', because you shouldn't be allowed to call yourself Right when you are definitely wrong)

". . . so when he tried to argue in the climate change debate that his opinion was equal to that of a full time climate research scientist, I publicly busted him on being a post-modernist in front of the entire Young Conservatives Club."

"Ahahaha, what a Dexter!"


"So because your religion doesn't allow it and the idea of it makes you feel all yucky inside , you think that allowing same sex marriages is religious persecution and should be banned?
"How about you put on your big girl panties,

deal with the fact that boys can kiss boys, and stop being such a Dexter!"

by Urban Savage February 8, 2018

9πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


Pronunciation: \ˈdex-ter\
Function: noun

A person who is driving and texting at the same time, typically being observed swerving and not paying attention to the road.

Harrison: Whoa... look at that guy driving, he must be drunk or totally stoned.

Mike: No dude, he's trying to drive and txt. What a dumbass.

Harrison: Totally...he's a dexter.

by ruddster November 26, 2009

8πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


named after the Movie Series "Dexter"; the act of placing cellophane all over your apartment, or home, prior to having your marital partner shave your parts of, or entire, body; the purpose of this is so that not piece of hair falls onto your carpet or flooring.

He is in the routine of dextering his apartment prior to having woogie shave his body or give him a haircut.

by The Angry Azian May 22, 2009

4πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A really sweet boy who has his bad times is not a fighter but is known for his role at the fight club

Omg last night was awesome I had Dexter
holding me and he had a heart attack thingish and he
was all sore and the only person he wanted around was me
I was so scared when his
heart acted up I was crying and dug into
Keiras arm with my nails and then he was like
"Everyone but Melissa leave NOW!"
Then him and I
walked over to the hill by the
Max Bell Center and watched the sun
go down and the city lights and listened to the
cars go by and then we shared a cigar and a 2 smokes
And I was in his arms most of the time and yet he likes Andrea

by DazedGirl May 4, 2008

12πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž