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A non-drinker's name for a Screwdriver.

Fake Man: I just made this delicious Orange-vod-juice-ka!

Real Man: It's called a Screwdriver, dumb-ass.

by Scott Michael January 21, 2011

5๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

orange pineapple apple juice

the best drink to drink. A.K.A the best fuckin drink in the world. if you drink it u turn into a milk pirate and ur penis turns into chili

JOsh: wow poobs for breakfest!
Jimi: no orange pineapple apple juice for breakfest asshole!!

by Jimi fuckin plant November 10, 2007

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

orange juicing

to irrationally associate something with a past memory

No. You're just orange juicing again...

by cello_synth February 27, 2011

Orange Juiced

Named after murderer O.J. Simpson, to be orange juiced means to be acquitted after half-decapitating your girlfriend, torturing her friend to death, and run from the police in your friend's bronco.

"Well, it is finally official: Murder is legal in the state of California." - Norm Macdonald upon hearing of O.J. being orange juiced

by Ojdiditandepsteinkilledhimself January 16, 2022

Tooth Paste and Orange Juice

The best drink some one could ever make, if someone gives this to you that means that Respect+ 999 it is so good that your taste buds will die

Tooth paste and Orange juice is nectar of the gods

by RoseRed669 January 21, 2023

Drip Drip Daddy Orange Juice


Drip Drip Daddy Orange Juice Ryan

by iyhgurdfvhiulfhuifgyhdsyufgds February 3, 2022

Hot Orange Juice

The act of cupping or blocking a woman from squirting letting the squirt build up inside the urethra and then allowing it to burst in your mouth.

"My bf Chad got a sex change last night and I was so excited because I've always wanted him to give me some hot orange juice and last night he did!"

by Johnny Boi Washington December 17, 2021