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A substitute teacher(most commonly an English one) that looks and sometimes performs acts of stupidity to a certain degree. Even if he may not be stupid or mentally hindered in some way he may still look as if he is.

-''That English substitute teacher asked for my name 3 times and always got it wrong or forgot it"
-"He's such a pendejo!"

by SiFrioles April 1, 2018


Pendejo a word used to describe Jose Garcia aka “ hoe-zayy “

Broo look at el pinche pendejo de Jose , que pinche verga.

by Skeeyeebrother August 28, 2018


A word used by mexicans. Literally means pubic hair, but is used to describe a dumb or very stupid being.

You dropped my phone PENDEJO.

by truelifemexican November 15, 2016


pendejo means mexican slang for dumbass

your a pendejo

by acid is vacid October 9, 2021


Spanish word for Beto O'Rourke

Beto O'Rourke is a fake Mexican, but a real pendejo.

by Titomosquito June 4, 2022


Asshole; technically anal hair, but in Tex-Mex, it means asshole.

Get lost pendejo.

by MENTAC April 18, 2019


Person who post about their relationship hardships on reddit thinking they'll get upvoted and people will take pitty on them.

Me mude a los EU con mi pareja hace 2 años, me pego los cuernos y ando tratando de arreglar las cosas con el. Tengo un dolor inmenso, me paso con pesadillas y no es lo mismo. Ya tenia mis sospechas pero duele. Aunque ame la persona y me dan ganas de correr pero a la misma de tratar arreglar las cosas por que no hay interacción que compare . Trate de explicarle por mas que me duela que no soy la persona indicada para el de acuerdo a sus necesidades.

Lo sé, soy un Pendejo.

by TheReaperofMars August 20, 2024