Brendon is the definition of perfection.
Woah, you are close to Brendon Urie’s level.
Gawh why you gotta be like Brendon Urie ?!
Cheez whiz
Can be used in any first person scenario, such as:
My girlfriend Samantha is the urban dictionary definition for perfection.
♥ ♥ ♥ Rebecca Wasilwa ♥ ♥ ♥
There isnt a need for an example Urban Dictionary, she is perfection point blank
(noun) perfect is the name for a person who has absolutely nothing wrong with them at all. a perfect is somebody who is the best in every way. they are beautiful, smart, funny, and the whole sha-bang. a perfect is the best at everything they do.
Danny: "Wow man Joanna is amazing, you really caught a good one this time."
Matt: "Yeah I know dude...she's a perfect."
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Amazing, flawless, extraordinary
Tommy Allen is absolutely perfect!
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Damn Liam and Patrizia really are perfect together
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