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Pierce the Veil

best band to ever exist, not a single bad song

"hey do you listen to Pierce the Veil? "

"yeah i do! they have the best music!"

by ptventhusiast February 17, 2022

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smiley piercing

A very cool piercing that is subtlety sexy and easy to heal.

Nice smiley piercing, it looks lovely on you

by why why why why why why November 21, 2017

pierce toons

What you call a boy with a wig and purple pants. Usually likes eating foods like asparagus, grapes, and sushi. He can be a wonderful friend and a very sweet person, but don’t mess with him, because he’ll likely be sarcastic as heck and spam your dms. He enjoys artistic stuff, being a troll, and spamming for fun. If he doesn’t want to be known by his formal name, silly and quirky nicknames like β€œPierre” and β€œPoerce” will be acceptable for him.

Pierce Toons is so sweet! We had a GREAT conversation together <3

by Swiftly Swag June 23, 2021

Piercing Retainer

A stud, generally clear, used to hold open so as not to be seen by others

If you were going to apply for a job (most job managers don't want peirced employees.), and you have a nose piercing, you could use a piercing retainer in the place of your nose ring... not to noticable, unless close in each others face.

by kikirae February 27, 2012

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Clit Piercing

The piercing of the clitoris (female organ sensitive to pleasure).

It is said that riding on a bus with your clit pierced is a very orgasmic experience

sally had just gotten a clit piercing. When she was riding the bus home, the vibrations caused her to have multiple orgasms, and left her looking 10 years younger.

by clitrider69 May 6, 2006

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take a piercing

Act of going to a less-than-desirable bar or club strictly because there may be a healthier ratio of available women there.

I'm getting a little bored here. We may have to go take a piercing over at The Station when we finish these beers.

by exitflagger April 25, 2008

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body piercing

typically refers to any area on the body that can be grabbed between thumb & forefinger, clamped with forecepts, & driving a needle of significant size through the clamped skin. Once the needle is through, forecepts are removed, & specific body jewelry is threaded through. In a professional, sterile environment, the piercer will mark, & swab the area to be pierced so that the piercing will be straight, & room for infection will be minimized. All instruments will have been treated by an auto clav, & opened from a sterile pouch. Instructions for proper after care will be given verbally as well as in written form.

During the mid 90's, there was a flurry of body piercing done, mostly to girl's navels, followed by tongues, nipples, & genitals. Ears, not so much, as that could be done by any dimwit with a gun at a kiosk at the mall- but, they would have piercers stretch 'em to look like brassknuckles danglin' from their lobes!

by miss_l January 29, 2011

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