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fat Pikey

Fat pikey

Fat pikeys. They are naturally fat, well built 'ish'. They are also gypsies they borrow everything and never pay there own phone bill. They are always short of cash but when they have it it's in great amounts and is spent on fags, booze and weed. They are funny and kind but never crash fags. They own a lot of cool stuff which is 78% of the time broken, fucked or stolen. They are usually found smoking in there room and trying to get there pile of shit xbox to work (they usually revert to there caveman self and try hitting it) They are also found in there caravan or at a friends. it will usually be Trainwreck's house. 68% of the time they do a lot of agricultural work and seem to never get paid. All in all FatPikey is a nice guy who is not at all reliable but are very useful to have in your life and all in all a great friend.

Guy 1: That guy is a cool guy but he didn't crash me a fag and has taken half my xbox games

Guy 2: what do you expect he's a Fat Pikey

by Nath178 January 23, 2014

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most horrible and vile humans to "grace" the Earth.

They tend to live in caravan sites, but can also be found in the middle of really rough council estates, and when they grow old and grey they move to a bungalow with all their tax-avoided savings. They get money by mugging people, offering to pave your driveway/fix your walls/clean your windows, and if you refuse, they will viciously attack you. Staying well away from gypsy infested areas will result in safety, as they can be found prowling the streets and pouncing on innocent people and heavily beating them. They can also be found at places where people who are different to them gather, ie skate parks and local music festivals. At these places they like to fight "moshers" who are usually alone and much younger and much less stronger then them. They are mencaing when in numbers, but usually harmless when outnumbered, but that usually doesn't stop them. They can be as young as 10 or as old as 30, and anywhere inbetween. Standing up to one will usually result in being hounded by their hundreds of relatives that are older and "harder". Younger gypsies are usually very scruffy and malnourished, and usually neglected from attention at home, possibly because their parents are usually only 12-16 years older than them. They tend to wear old tracksuit pants and chavesque jewellery and clothing. Older gypsies (16-20) are often well built and wear tank tops and jeans, with large work boots. Older gypsies are loud and obnoxious, looking and acting like young chavs.

When they "attack" they usually seem "friendly" but often turn violent when they don't get what they want.
AKA: gyppos

"Shit, aload of gypsies have moved into my mate's estate."
"Yeah, there's loads of caravans on the field."

"I was walking past Tesco when some gyppos started asking if I wanted to see their new car. When I said no they jumped me and stole my MP3 player and my phone."


by hteebx August 24, 2006

143๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pikey and Jippo

Basically Pikeys and Jippo's are the lowest scum walking the earth. All they do is stand around star lane and orpington market. All they do is start on people.They come in all sorts and sizes.Most of em wear fake stolen burberry caps and anything that is associated to burberry and stolen jewllery.I mean they would even steal an old grannies last 10 pence.They park there shitty stolen caravans anywhere they like till the council finds them.And even then they wanna fight them.They are dumb as assholes.They move bout in packs, usually with their in-bred pikey or jippo cousins and second and third and woteva the last digit in the world cousins.They would even shag their own mothers and in some known cases their own dads.

'Pikey' = You got a spare fag boy
'You'= Soz mate
'Pikey' = Wot u say bout my mum boooy
'You' = Wot u on bout
'Pikey' = dont start with me booy,get the chambers on you booy
'You' = Beat it pikey scum

Typical pikey and jippo sayings
- Mother dies
- Boooooooooooy
- Chicken Eyebrow chavvy
- Steal your shoes booy
- Get the chambers on you boooy

And loads more

by Pikeynator December 17, 2004

133๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pikey gold is a term used to describe any old rusting metal that has been discarded by its previous owner as it is deemed no longer able to perform its original task. Items include but not exclusively shopping trolleys with tree wheels ,a bath with a hole in it and other things people might throw away.
The Pikey's main goal in life seems to be the acquisition of anything metal and they are not fussy about who it belongs too, incidents where lead has been stolen from church roofs and electric cables taken from railway crossings (causing major disruption to networks) are common.

It's like the wild west in England with toothless Pikey's slapping their knees and performing little jigs around skips when they find a bit of scrap .

"Hey Boi bring da van roun here so we can get dis wheel chair quick whilst da man is swimming"

"There's pikey gold in them there hills"

by Thunderlawyer January 8, 2017

mike pikey

Bowl of rice inside of a condom

Pass me that Mike Pikey

by Handsomejack83 March 7, 2018

Pikey Suit

The usual work attire of Pikeys and Chavs, of all the same brand of sports clothes (note: actually participating in sport other than bare knuckle fisticuffs is not the objective of the attire) and not a mixture of brands or types of clothes.

also known as a shell suit (Chav Suit).

Usual suit types are Adidas, Reebok and Nike, looked down upon are the 4 stripe Adidas look alike ripoff suits, worn mostly by Northern Chavs and Pikeys.

pikey suite pikey suit chav adidas nike reebok coleen mcloughlin rooney

by DJone July 26, 2011

Pikey Shower

A Pikey shower is the slang term of when someone uses excessive ammounts of linx or other deodorant sprays as a substitute for a propper shower or bath.

This phrase is mostly used in England.

The name derrives from the popular beleif (fact) that pikeys (gypsies, travelers, eastern europeans mainly romanians) are thilthy animals and cant be bothered to wash propperly and so they do this to cover up their stench and thus create the impression that they are clean. But this almost never works because the smell of the spray mixed with the BO makes a worst smell.
This practise is common with students and it is also used to cover up the smell of cigarette smoke or smoke in general.

Someone wakes up in the morning gets dressed, they cover themselves in spray and go to work/school/dole office. They have just had a Pikey Shower.

by Fudgeloopkoi November 1, 2009

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