Source Code

Brad Pitts

Meaning the word armpits.

"I've got right sweaty brad pitts."

by Jon Warham June 9, 2007

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Pitt Rub

Essentially, just Deoderant.

Man, my Pitts are kicking, can you throw me my Pitt Rub.

by SuzyBeth January 29, 2019

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brad pitts

Subtle way of talking about arm pits

If you were around a group of friends and your crush was there, you're not exactly going to want to burst out 'I'VE GOT SWEATY ARMPITS', so instead you can say that brad pitt is spitting or something. clever no?
can also be said on first name terms.. i.e. brad, brad's, bradley's

person 1- how hot are they?!
person 2- oh so hot
person 1- yeah
person 2- shame about those brad pitts
person 1- yeah

girl 1- shit i forgot my razor
girl 2- shit!
girl 1- now everyone is going to see brad's hair!

by fuckingfartalot December 18, 2011

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Brad Pitt

used instead of the word 'shit'

teacher: "You failed your pop quiz."
student: "Aww, Brad Pitt!"

by rdaugh December 3, 2007

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Zane Pitts

A flaming faggot with long hair, Zane Pitts like to think of themselves as "Tough" a "Badass" But in reality, the biggest pussy known to man kind. These pussys can be found at Arcata highschool in the pussy parking lot with there pussy friends, They think if they join the army it will aspire them to be what they want to become, but these pussys will NEVER be a badass.

Pussy, Justin beiber, Faggot, Bitch, Nipples, Zane, Pitts, Zane Pitts, Arcata

by That nigga widda dick in yoass May 24, 2011

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Eddy Pitts

a fat bitch who has mcdonalds on speed dial for emergencies. eddy is the guy in west greene who can clear the lunch line in one run, oh wait he cant run. anyways he keeps chocolate milk in his first aid kit and his drive thru orders are bigger than big smokes. this guy takes a box truck to a resturaunt and says load it up. he mugs the old ladies at food city for their buggies and if you whisper his name at burger king they put an extra patty on his burger

oh no here comes Eddy Pitts! everyone hide your food!

by TheBigStoner420 November 30, 2018

Talan Pitts

Talan Pitts is such a strong handsome man who Carried 100 women on his large penis. If you meet a boy or mad named talan you should kiss him on his lips because they taste like strawberries. Talan Pitts penis is so large he created the Grand Canyon. He tried to stick his penis through it and he made cracks all on the canyon. Talan Pitts likes girls with the name Allie. So if your name is allie you have a %99 chance of dating talan.

You are such a Talan Pitts with you very large Penis.

by 1561 March 20, 2017