No, actually, you're boycotting stires that participate and if you don't think that the ACT of "boycotting a store because gay" doesn't translate to "Not hiring because gay" or "Not associating because gay" or "Not promoting because gay" or "NOT BEING ALLOWED TO PROMOTE FOR FEAR OF BOYCOTTING (See Dylan Mulvaney)" or "Not treated with respect because gay" then you are a retard. And how is that NOT oppression?
Hym "How's about this: If they don't like pride month, here's a compromise... Instead of doing a MONTH, just have all of the gay shit in ALL of the stores that WOULD be there for Pride month except all the time! Then, we'd get to watch all hell break loose as conservatives try to boycott all of the stores! There would be no where left to shop! Gayness everywhere! Anus everywhere! Bwahahahahahahahaha!"