Source Code

Rectal snowblower

When you cover your rectum with a pile of cocaine and fart a coke cloud into the air and someone runs in and tries to snort the cloud out of the air.

Man you've never been as high as you would be after a rectal snowblower!

by Shooter McGavin 1 March 10, 2022

Rectal Death

When a man covers himself in lubricant and fully enters a woman's anus... fully.

Guy - "Woah dude, i just gave my girl the rectal death!"
Other Guy- Woah man how is she?
Guy - Im pretty sure i punctured her stomach on the way out, but lets not worry about that

by Analman April 10, 2008

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rectal probing

A simple procedure execute by curious aliens or doctors to examine the lower rectum and other internal organs of a person/animal. They (gently) insert a tool, tentacle or finger into your anus. This allows them to feel your interior and explore it.

This procedure can be considerated a bit invasive by some people.

Kang: My name is Kang, and this is my sister, Kodos.
Kodos: Hello.
Homer: I suppose you wanna probe me. Well, might as well get it over with.
Kang: Stop! We have reached the limits of what rectal probing can teach us.
(The Simpsons - S8E1: Treehouse of Horror VII)

by Arcem___S_V June 15, 2020

rectal collar

a crap circle around the neck, usually left after insertion of head into anothers rectum.

After Sammy stuck his head as far as it would go up Mikeys butt, there was a crap circle rectal collar in the same place most people would wear a necklace.

by diogio rome November 10, 2008

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The Rectal Renaissance

When a man inserts his index and middle fingers into his parters anus, pulls it out, thrust his hand into the air and screams, "Shit by any other name would smell just as foul!"

Don't shake Ron's hand, he still has shit under his fingernails from the Rectal Rennasiannce.

by Anonymous January 6, 2003

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rectal terrorist

A man who hits on other men for anal sex.

That rectal terrorist was hitting on Tom at the bar all night.

by Cartman69 March 15, 2005

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rectal fury

The wave of severe diarhea which wreaks havoc on the digestive tract.

That chinese hot sauce gave me hardcore rectal fury!

by BAFUNGUDAMICHI June 19, 2005

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