reggaeton is the best music ever for dancing. mostly listened to by hispanics. so all yu white people tlking trash about reggaeton. BESA MI KULO (: muchas gracias. ahor, DALE MAS GASOLINA!!!!!!!!!
and no , its not all the same. its just danced the same. if yu dont like it . then simply dont listen to it.
Gasolina - Daddy yankee
Dale Pal Piso - Watussi , Jowell
Reggaeton โฅ โฅ โฅ
11๐ 22๐
I'm sorry for most of the confusion people have now a days, but reggaton didn't originate from Panama. When Boricuas first started singing Perreo or Dembow they called it reggaton because it was much easier to say and the word perreo sounded too street. Back in Panama, when the people heard this, they rebelled and said that Puerto Rico had taken their music, but really it was different. Panama just had a way different type of beat also called reggaeton. In conclusion, reggaton is just a name, not the beat of the music.
Panameno: "Hey, those Puerto Ricans stole our reggaeton!"
Boricua: "No we didn't that's perreo, we just named it reggaeton. It's not the same beat anyways."
Panameno: "Oh"
12๐ 33๐
It is a dominican music that alot of Puerto Rican think they know but all good reggaeton artist come from the DR.
27๐ 99๐
Music people dance too in Chile
Chile the chilean from #boobs and the Counter Strike world.
15๐ 96๐
The East Side of Orlando; it makes a reference to the fact that you can constantly hear cars driving by w/ their windows down, blasting reggaeton.
I live on the Reggaeton Riviera.
The East Side of Orlando, Florida; it makes a reference to the fact that you can constantly hear cars driving by w/ their windows down, blasting reggaeton.
I live on the Reggaeton Riviera.
16๐ 2๐