Source Code

Ren and Stimpy

Only one of the best cartoons ever made.

Beavis and Butthead can thank Ren and Stimpy for setting the stage for them.

by tradesman May 8, 2003

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Rens Moment

When someone makes a joke which is everyone understand and someone explains the joke. Or someone does somehting stupid

"Why did you spend 60 dollars on a gumball? That's such a Rens Moment"

by frikandelbroodjefan2341 November 9, 2020


Renaissance Festival.

Are you going to the ren-fest this weekend?

by soleclaw23 March 5, 2006

Ren Trickshot

A "Ren Trickshot" is basically perfomed by doing a classic trickshot which you can do in every game with weaponry such as snipers, and semi auto rifles.

To perform the "Ren Trickshot" you'll have to jump off something and do a 360 before you drop down/after you land.

If you're in a "fall to your death" situation you will have to do a 360 right before you jump off because one of the options will obviously be striped away.

Bro that shit is ass you sure that aint a "Ren Trickshot"?

by infuriating May 2, 2021

Ren and Stimpy

A great Nickelodeon cartoon that pushed the boundaries of "Bad Taste". Probably the greatest "gross-out humor" catoon ever produced.

John Kricfalusi is awesome (except for The Ripping Friends)

by I hate your Emo Haircut December 11, 2004

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kylo ren

Kylo Ren, a human male, was a Force warrior who trained as a Jedi under his uncle, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, before turning to the dark side of the Force, destroying Skywalker's attempt to restore the Jedi Order, and becoming an apprentice of Supreme Leader Snoke of the First Order.

Originally named Ben Solo.

Kylo Ren skilfully deflected the attack.

by emokylor3n April 17, 2016

56๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ren & Stimpy

A funny show from the mid 90's about a chihuahua & a cat that get into all sorts of trouble. And who are CONSTANLY changing houses in every episode.

Erik: Man, that Episode of Ren & Stimpy was funny!

Mike: I know! I can't believe Ren actually did that!

by Ren n Stimpy 96 May 11, 2010

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