Richard Stallman. A programmer and Free Software advocate who founded the GNU foundation, and reminds people that Linux is properly called GNU/Linux.
I don't browse the web with non-free software, just like rms!
RMS or RMS EBK originally was RunupMoneySavages EveryBodyKiller but then changed to RespectMoneyStructure. A gang in Central Florida known for manufacturing and distributing “dirty 30s” (fentanyl pills) , made official in Florida due to “Operation dirty 30s” which resulted in 11 people indicted w/37 counts , this gang heavily affected the flow of fentanyl pills in all of Florida and is responsible for multiple deaths .
“Damn bro did you see that crazy Rico case the Feds got on RMS EBK?”
“Man I was at a funeral this morning because my friend overdosed off a dirty 30 from RMS “
“ Free Chris & Becca you already know RMS EBK don’t play”
In most context, “RMS” means rate my sack
Bob- Yo lil nigga RMS
Lil Nigga-DAMN nigga i’ll give it a 8/10 on the sack scale
means “run my shit”
to do what needs to be done or to take care of business
Friend 1: “ayo remember that $30 i gave you the other day? ima need it right now, rms.”
addicted to mobile legends, playing 24/7 non-stop. some said he skipped school to play mobile legends bang bang.
occasionally picks out xmms to play with, and prioritises them over his friends
hey whose this?
Me: oh its rm son, he plays mlbb all day he needs to be stopped tbh
You: whats a simp?
Me: rm son
girls from rancho minerva middle school, wear tube tops hollister skinny jeans, vans , always eating hot cheetos and a brisk or an arizona, red stained fingers , nails done 💅 eyebrows done all da time and posted at the creek on fridays
“omg she’s an rms girl look at the way she dresses”