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A Samuel

Just fucking leaving without saying where

Ah he did a samuel again

by Nobody3000 April 8, 2021

15πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


As a person he is remarkable. One of a kind and even though Samuels can make mistakes in the past,they are humans, but they learn from them. There personality is great. They may be very shy and like to protect themselves but they def love to have a good time and have a great sense of humor. They are usually athletic and have a great smile and make the most cute/attractive faces. As a friend he would do anything to help
You in a problem. Samuels are great to confide to and will
NEVER give you bad advice. They usually come from a great family who is non-judgmental and have good morals for themselves and there children. They trust who their kids befriend and will always be there to help in any sistuation

As a boyfriend a Samuel can be remarkable to their girlfriend. It may be hard for him to express himself but he truly had a kind heart. Even though it takes along time for a Samuel to open up once they do, you'll be so glad that you made the choice to allow him into your life. They will love you with everything they have and do anything to preserve their relationship and stay true to themselves.

If you ever think about dating or befriending a Samuel do it or else you'll be missing out.
Whoa is your boyfriend a Samuel

Whoa is your boyfriend a Samuele

One bonus is him in bed. He is an excellent kisser and great at being spontaneous and loves to leaves those lovely marks on your neck as to help you remember how it got there. He loves to experiment as always ask first before he makes a move. His goal is to show that he loves you and wants to make you really understand it. Anytime you want something changed he will fix it and make sure to ask
That our satisfied . He is a sweet lover and not just a horn dog. He likes to make things romantic. You'll come to realize that you'll fall in love with the little things a Samuel has to offer. And when your apart it kills both of you.a Samuel is worth the time

by Mocha Muffin November 21, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A big dork who is also a dummy, but also a very good friend you don’t want to lose. He’s funny and compliments you. A LOT, he is very sweet

That guy is a Samuel

by Adorkydork August 10, 2020

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Samuel is the most amazing person you will ever know! He is caring, loving, always happy, and very ticklish. And his smile will light up the room. He never fails to make others happy. Sam cares so much for his sisters and family, and loves his niece. He is always making sure the people around him are happy. If you are close with a Sam never let him leave, it will be the biggest mistake of your life if you do. I love you Sam

Person 1: do you know who that girl is dating?
Person 2: I’m not positive but I think his name is Samuel

by Thegirlyone January 9, 2020

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Sam is one of the most wonderful guys I have ever met. He will always make you laugh no matter how sad you are. He cares about you more than you know, even though some people may think he is an asshole, he is the sweetest man. He would save you from an alligator as long as it didn't try to eat him. He is perfect in every way possible. Best guy!!!!

Samuel is the best boyfriend

by Viivi April 17, 2019

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A sexy man with an even sexier voice. He's hung like a horse and loves his girlfriend more than anything.

Samuel: Sam? He loves me to the moon and back

by BigDkrueg March 12, 2015

37πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Guys named Samuel are amazing people. But one in particular from YouTube "sammyboyz1547" is the one and only. He is Korean. He has soft fluffy short black hair, deep complextion, short, skimpy and skinny, big white smile, cutest puppy dog eyes, and bone structure. He is dumb in school, responsible, somewhere where mature and immature meet, well mannered, polite, sweet, kind, nice, forgiving, trustable, not a big mouth, artistic, creative, imaginitive, computer nerd, video game loving, amazing baseball player, suckish basketball player, dorky/nerdy, hyper, A.D.D., energetic, smiley, laughy and giggly, positive energy, happy 24/7, athletic, 100% funny, outgoing, spontaneous, roller coaster and heights feared, adorable, raspy voiced, catholic but doubting his faith, video game dork, great storyteller, talkative, bad listener, childish, mature-ish, dirty mouthed, messed up dirty minded, friendly, big smile, target loving, french obsessed, crush on colleen and anna n. and madison but should date colleen because she wanted that since 3rd grade for her to be mrs. colleen b., candy loving, dog lover, sport obsessed, crush on jennifer lopez and megan fox and katy perry, and apple and strawberry obsessed. Thats my crush---Sam

2. Samuel Is Going To Be My Husband Even If I Have To Kidnap Him And Force Him
3. This Is A Secret
4. I HATE EVERYONE EXCEPT Theater Friends and Him and God

by Holy Shit Im Colleen Or Am I July 30, 2012

56πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž