some rando indian or nigerian douchebag who desperately needs money in order to pay for robux or vbucks. they like stealing money from 90 year old grandmas who dont know what the fuck is going on but still play along coz they think they're doing the right thing
"hmmm what a wonderful day. cant wait to become a scammer and ruin some old lady's life"
*phone rings*
"hello thank you for calling microsoft technical support, my name is James Bob, how may i help you today?"
GRANDMA: "um my pc is saying there's a virus, hopefully this is not a scam can you pls help me :("
"uh-huh, wow this is a very serious problem *pulls up notepad and starts waffling on about some hackers connecting to a computer* to fix this, pls type in 6969420 dollars"
GRANDMA: *types number in*
"oh no! you added 4 trillion zeroes, well time to go to walmart and strip their entire shelves of pornhub giftcards"
Indian scammer who is Dookey Monke at scamming and looks like a hudi hudi also can do disco time dance
Scammer joe scammed you for your credit card information
You AND Ben Shapiro are lying though and you're both pieces of shit who are either no better than Andrew Tate and/or actively worse.
Hym "Because what makes Andrew Tate a 'Grifter Scammer' is that he's not me. You have progressives who have been actively lying about Biden's condition, the quality of their candidate (Kamala Harris), and the things that Trump has said now PLEADING FOR MONEY from their followers... AFTER THEY WERE BOTH WRONG AND LYING... And now they are agreeing with conservatives who think whether or not you're doing an incest cult elevates yourself morally above everyone else. They are now and always have been panhandler filth and and now they are I the midst of a desperate ans pathetic progressive power grab. Which is why they are distancing them from and splitting against the democrats."
Hahahahaha! Look who's talking!
Hym "Not us though! We're the good ones! We're not scammers and parasites!"