noun. a pint of blue moon beer with an orange. Named after the beer of choice by Boston's Sgt. Crowley at the Obama's Beer Summit in the White House Rose Garden.
Nothing beats a cool glass of Sgt. Crowley on a warm summer's day!
Savant like SGT of US ARMY. Completely imcompetant as a leader and a person in general. Sucks at life all together. Someone so outcasted by society he completely failed in his journey of manhood.
Schnarf,schnarfer, SGT, Stephens,Spec6,ratfro,Schnarf Sgt Stephens
A Columbian sex god, who steals your bitch
Super Bobby Sgt Gomez fucked my wife
A way for people to name someone that has a large penis without saying so outright
"Hey girl, how wqs SGT. Johnson last night?"
A Poseidon SCP breach high-ranked User on Gmod that is sometimes a dick for some reason.
Sgt seals Has a very small penis
Common abbreviation for a Sergeant.
In the document, he was listed as Sgt. Peters.
A Magic: The Gathering player who has a reputation for playing blue-red control decks containing large amounts of counter, draw, and burn spells. The use of the nickname is generally employed after a particularly frustrating number of consecutive wins, such as 3, with a spell that is both draw AND burn. Drawgo McBurnpants you!