A group of people who sit around, smoke numerous amount of cigarettes and bitch about anything and everything.
Sheri is such a smokie downer, after she came back from smoking with Eliza for thirty minutes she totally bitched out her boyfriend, gave me the cold shoulder and stormed out.
That group of girls are a bunch of smokie downers. I can't hang out with them all night, complain and have smoke blown in my face.
When someone is caught smoking by a friend group, so you say the phrase “Chris Smokie” to inform EVERYONE
“did you hear that he had a cart on him? Chris Smokie!!!”
A “Chris Smokie” is a term used to describe someone who is caught smoking.
the act of sticking a weed pen up your ass
That queer smoky abyssed himself last night, and he got slightly stoned.
A Smoky mountain giraffe is a person who is extremely high on drugs
That guy is high as a Smoky mountain giraffe. Your mom is a Smoky mountain giraffe
bros a frog-like shadow with red eyes and commits pikmin genocide(see Pikmin and Pikmin 4)
smoky progg is extremely nerfed in Pikmin 4
The antonym of a bleached butthole.
Where is your smoky butthole gone?