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smol beans

Someone who is ugly and should never appear on the face of the earth.

Smol beans are ugly.
Smol beans are weird.

by Lilopoopoo August 9, 2023

Smol bean

A person (typically on the internet) who will aggressively attack others, only to feign being small and helpless when critiqued even slightly for their behavior.

He was aggressively rude towards me, but as soon as I called him out for his behavior he turned into a smol bean.

by Smolbeanuwu74 April 6, 2024

Smol Bean

A smol bean is someone who acts and is adorable and cute in every way

Awww Elliot is such a smol bean

by A magical shadey duck January 26, 2019

smol bean

someone who dresses uniquely, as their personality, and listens to music you can’t relate to anyone alive

why do smol beans finish words with -ness?

uve got yourself a smol bean sense of cringe

by pancherfaust March 16, 2018

Smol bean

A small or cute person

Tara is a smol bean

by Stripe_the_tiger July 15, 2020

smol bean

something or someone who is small, short or tiny. Basically either the cutest thing you ever seen, adorable, and tiny. Just wholesomeness and precious.


Friend A: Omg guys! Look at smol bean! Sooo cute.

Friend B: Ok, calm down. It’s just a kitten.

Friend A: What are you talking about? IT IS SUCH A SMOL BEAN.

Example 2:

Aaron is smol bean. He’s very tiny and short.

by wisdomous October 10, 2020

Smol Bean

A cinnamon roll. Like santts from my amino. Go follow him on emo amino .

Santts is such a smol bean. We must protecc him

by STAB July 20, 2018