Sold, along with sell, or selling, can be slang in video games or real life. It is a way to say someone is doing back or horrible in a certain thing, and is dragging anyone else down (if they are playing a team game.)
“Yo, bro, stop selling! Block, parry, dodge.”
“My keyboard is crustier than my grandma, I can’t!”
“You sold this run, I am unfriending you in Fortnite.
The act of someone making you lose something.
Jayden I can’t can’t believe you sold my 30 bomb in fortnite
the past tense of the verb you call someone when they sell out, meaning they messed something up for a great amount of people
that man jack sold you out last night, you could've "link up" with her.
Soy - Looking forward and/or up. Usually with conviction, attentiveness, direction and/or some sort of understanding.
Oy - Looking backwards and/or Catch-all, misc looks aside from Soy, Loy and Soy. Usually it's somewhat off, cognitive dissonance and/or miscellaneous.
Loy - Sideways glance or look, left or right. Usually out of curiosity, reflex and/or sarcasm.
Doy - Looking downwards, smiling and tucking hair behind ear is optional. Usually out of happiness, affection, peace, indifference and/or neutral.
Diagonal examples: Sloy, Soy-oy, Sdoy, Ldoy, Loy-oy, Doy-oy, Dloy, Soy-oy-oy, etc.
Four ways to look at people, places and things. SOLD can be good, bad, okay and/or neutral. Results may vary.
As I look forwards, backwards, left, right and down, I'm SOLD.
To kill or erase existence of a person. Related to the phrase “bought the farm”.
i just sold the farm to jerry, i’m not going to his funeral.
Had a bad bitch, did some nut shit and now she gone
Ben: bro she was gonna let me hit
Jack: well did you?
Ben: nah bro I got too scared