Source Code

Upsetti spaghetti

The term for when someone becomes too upsetti to even eat spaghetti.

Max is upsetti spaghetti.

by Stonkly romper May 19, 2020

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spaghetti house

Retro slang for vagina

Jen's spaghetti house tasted more like clam sauce than it did al fresca.

by The LLama June 11, 2013

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spaghetti smack

When you’re really angry, and you have really wet noodles you just made, you feel the noodles real good, then you slowly and I mean slowly one by one take the noodles and put them in a straight line. let them cool. Go outside and look for your next victim, when you spot the cockwaddle person you’re about to destroy. LEAP IN TO ACTION AND SMACK THEM IN THE FACE WITH THE NOODLES AS HARD AS YOU CAN! JOHN CENA JUMPS OUT OF THE NEAREST ORPHANAGE AND KO’s YOUR OPPONENT TO THE GROUNDDD. AS ALL THIS IS HAPPENING YOU HAVE NOW COMPLETED THE SATANIC RITUAL WHICH UNLOCKS THE GATES TO HELL... AND THEN YOU SEE IT JAMES CHARLES BALLSACK DIPPED IN BLUE PLAINT BEGGING TO SLAP YOUR FOREHEAD. sapnu puas

β€œwell sally, he firefighter kicked the door down and backpeddled into the bedroom wearing nothing but a lime green cape, then he spaghetti smacked me right in my face! It was so hot!!”

by dontsmelthehobo March 17, 2019

Spaghetti's Dad

A steak.

Teodor: How long's he grounded for?
Ray: Oh, couple hours. I'll make him some Spaghetti's Dad tonight. It's our little ritual - let's him know he's off the hook.
Teodor: Huh! What's in Spaghetti's Dad?
Ray: A steak.

by cepherias January 18, 2012

spaghetti girl

a term used for girls who don't know they are bisexual until the make out with a chick. it means a girl who is straight until you get her wet.(like spaghetti)

"my friend kim hooked up with a cute spaghetti girl last night"

by jilldo December 28, 2004

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spaghetti noodle

nickname for your super tall and super skinny boyfriend.

a cute name for someone lanky or gumpy

"I like... really skinny guys, like super super skinny and tall - the more they look like gumpy, the better, like no body fat, no muscles, I just want to date a spaghetti noodle"

by finnmobile August 27, 2019

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mom's spaghetti

mom's spaghetti
To choke in a pressure situation. To fail to deliver on expectations when it becomes time to perform, often due to nervousness or lack of experience.

Taken from the lyrics of the song "Lose Yourself" by Eminem off the "8 Mile" movie soundtrack. In the movie, the main character Bunny Rabbit, played by Eminem, becomes nervous and chokes in an early rap battle competition. As retold in the lyrics of the song: "...his palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, there's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti."

JoeZ often boasts about his poetic prowess, but when it comes to performing in front of an audience he's always mom's spaghetti.

by carlos valencia February 2, 2007

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