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gimme stig

the act of asking another person for a stig

yo johnny cuz, gimme stig

by anonymous1234324 April 7, 2024

stig break

you get your stig (vape) at exactly 10am on Monday the 9th of August and everyone in the world has to take a drag at that exact time

stig break day is where you get your vape and take a drag of it at the certain time given

by stig break day August 8, 2021

Stig Martin

A person who earns a lot of money selling old stuff

I just sold my old ass, ice drill, yeah I’m a real Stig Martin

by Lil dictionary February 1, 2018


What the stig is a definition of a guy from Stryn in Norway, that is crazy. He does crazy stuff under the influence of Alcohol and drugs!

WTS (WHAT THE STIG) is this guy doing!??!?!

Oh my god, did you actually do that? WTS (WHAT THE STIG)???

by Erlend :D November 29, 2022