Source Code


The act of attempting to freeze the passage of time through action of doing nothing. Works best with several people. However the passage of freeze will be broken once a person either says or thinks about the time.

Person 1: ...
Person 2: ...
Person 3: ...
Person 4: stoning is boring how long till we gotta get back to class
Person 1, 2 & 3: zomg dude you broke the continuation of non-continuity
*2 seconds later bell rings*

by kaldoscope November 13, 2009

55๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


CRACK ROCKS-baked cocaine that is smoked through a glass stem or ontop of weed or tabacco. Come in small glass vials or small nick/dime bags.

that strung out bitch looks like shes been smoking to many stones again.

by wereaboutsunknown October 25, 2006

114๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) Shorthand for the Rolling Stones.

2) plural of stone.

3) Multiple people who are stoned. An uncontrollable mispronounciation.

"Mick Jagger is a member of the stones"

"I threw stones at the cats"

"Yup, weis all stones rights now!"

by Gumba Gumba February 25, 2004

37๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


A state of enlightenment achieved by inhaling the green air of happiness.

"Dude I feel like a penguin... OH MY GOD DUDE I AM A PENGUIN!"

I am so stoned I just singed my hair with the lighter. I will have to wear a hat tomorrow.

by elf4545 February 1, 2008

23๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


The smoking of canabis in high quantitys will get you stoned/high. If too much is taken user may "whitey" in which they turn pale and throw up. Bongs are used in getting one "stoned" in some parts. These can get these users on a "fucked up high". I am using a Killa Bong at the moment =P

When you're so stoned you sit on websites that you found by typing "im so fucking stoned" into google, and then feeling your head go tingly whilst listening to "trippy shit" by "Infected Mushroom". He or she may then have a shower and then fall asleep in an odd position whilst watching wierd late night telly.

by Christian Graham January 13, 2006

133๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


*way past high!!
*being stoned after intoxication of high quality (H.Q.)marijuana is a state of mind where...
-time skips,
-laughing is impossible to resist,
-evrything is like a dream,
-you get big time munchies,
-usually be paranoid that your porch lights are cops,
-everything is an amazing expieience,
-riddles and math confuse the hell out of you,
-first timers expierience the fear of being stoned forevr,
-but remember just enjoy it bcause i will soon end.

alex was so stoned that he layed down and cryed

by qtiptt May 1, 2007

227๐Ÿ‘ 105๐Ÿ‘Ž


A form of capital punishment in which the criminal is pelted with stones until dead. In Judaism and Muslim cultures, stoning is administered as atonement for sins such as adultery, murder, and prostitution.

"...there is (a punishment) of one hundred lashes and then stoning (to death)." Extract from Kitab Al-Hudud (Islamic Traditions)

by JustinInSpace July 24, 2006

72๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž