meaning that you are being very honest about something.
todd -"A' fuckin Swear Down right, shut the fuck up, ya doin ma head in."
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technique used when replacing curses with symbols when chatting/commenting online. to conduct a swipe swear, hold down the shift key and swipe your finger across the number keys in random directions. A great alternative to the asdfjkl;
Ex. 1 (on fb)
Anand: $%^&*()*&^%$%^&*(
Carlos: Oops, swipe swear fail.
Ray: insert angry words here because I'm lazy!!!
Sandra: Dude, just swipe swear
Ray: Oh yeah #$%^&&*()(*&^%^&*()_
Jerry: You guys kno we had homework?
Joe: ^&*()_(*&^%$#@#$%^&*(()(**&^%%$%^&^%$$#@!!!!!!!!!!!
Jerry: Easy on the swipe swear, dude.
(n) The event in which an expletive is shouted spontaneously several times in quick succession with each instance repeated with increased volume. Words that are commonly used in a combo include, but are not limited to, "fuck," "shit," "son of a bitch," "dammit," etc.
Violently shouting "sonovabitch, SonovaBITCH, SONOVABITCH!" while attempting to escape from a room filled with angry bees is an example of a swear combo.
Never should you ever use actual swear words or replacement ones in the same sentence or sentence following shortly after. It is uncalled for and inexcusable. This should be an actual law.
"What the Fudge!? Fuck you, man!" The Law of Swearing being broken. NO NO.
Its like Sharing is Caring but better
Dude 1: Hey dude you should like give me that man, swearing is caring.
Dude 2: Wtf does that even mean?
naughty funny words that some find offensive
i cant believe he just said swear words! what did he say?
shit piss fuck cunt cock sucker mother fucker, tits, fart, turd, twat,
and to not leave u cultured fucks out:
nigger,beaner,spic,gooback,sandmonkey, dirty rab, jew,homo, whitey, etc.
oh clarence, you donkey raping shit eater
shut your fucking face uncle fucker.
eat shit you balls ramming penguin rimjobber.
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If you break the promise you have to fuck the person that you made the promise with.
Paul: You have to fuck swear you won't tell anybody.
Janet: I fuck swear Paul
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