Source Code

Target Sweden

A computer game involving the attack on Sweden by the United Nations, which is played through 3 chapters:
1. Attack Launch
2. Invasion
3. Failed Evacuation
4. Complete Annihilation

Target Sweeden was the most fun I ever had in a computer game!

by Jonathan September 13, 2003

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Queen of Sweden

Amy Conant. She was born in America, raised young in Sweden where she become heir to the throne. She lives in America now and controls Sweden. She currently has a woman in Sweden acting as her now She goes by Sylvie...you know, Queen Sylvie.

The Queen of Sweden is not a whore because she does not wear makeup.

by someone January 20, 2004

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play sweden

stayin nuetral in an argument or fight.

Jack: so, whos side are you on?
Greg: i think there both acting dumb, so im just going to play sweden

by xsvfan95 July 14, 2008

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south sweden

That part of sweden where LEGO is made.
Often used to make fun of denmark

Person 1: where are you from
Person 2: Denmark
Person 1: oh, so you are from South sweden

by South swedish prick April 5, 2019

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rape in Sweden

based loosely on the Julian Assange case, referring to the fact that what counts as anything from gross sexual imposition down to just uncool sexual activites in Australia can be considered rape in Sweden. Used to alert braggart friends that their boasting is not particulary welcome. Also used to be a smartass.

Dude 1: "Yeah, the bitch said no to getting all up in dat azz, but I went there anyway."
Dude 2: "Dude! That's rape in Sweden!"


Dude 1: "Jagoff walks around with his pants around his knees, so I grab the waistband on his BVDs and hike 'em towards the heavens!"

Dude 2: "snicker Yeah... but that's rape in Sweden! chuckle"

by The Evil Steve December 20, 2010

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i went to Sweden

i just lied

person: "i know the truth about uhm him and his uhm relationship with his uhm girlfriend"

*5 seconds later*

person: "I WENT TO SWEDEN"

by louistomlinsonismyhusband December 16, 2020

EA DICE Sweden

Cancerous company that has ruined the battlefront name. Horrible buggy messes with non-existent balance.
A cash grab to star wars fans.

I just got EA star wars battlefront 2, made by EA DICE Sweden. It's such a horrible buggy mess filled with horrible balancing and long grinds. Fuck EA.

by Unknown battlefrontian October 18, 2018