A document that summarizes another document, however, the summarizing document does not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of the document it proclaims to summarize.
P1: I read the principal points & conclusions memo which said there were no grounds for dismissal?
P2: Oh jeez! You cant read a document summarizing another document because on occasion the summarizing document does not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of the document it proclaims to summarize.
P1: What! No! There were no ground for dismissal.
P2: Sure. However, the four hundred page report says otherwise.
What a grade-school student tells someone as a reason for his unwillingness to perform a requested action; it means dat while he personally would not mind doing it, he is afraid dat "da big man in dat dreaded upstairs office" would disapprove, and thus he would give him major grief if he found out.
One sixth-grade boy conversing with another on da playground: Sorry, Dude --- I can't slip you a textbook in class to help you get a better grade on your test; it's the principal of the thing."
The guy every kid is afraid of during school
Cedric:my friend Ernie was beaten so badly,his eyeball popped out
Luna:always that principal!