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Zeta Tau Alpha

Zeta Tau Alpha is a women's fraternity founded in 1898. They have been ranked as #1 in the nation as best sorority for years including 2013. They have raised millions of dollars for their philanthropy, breast cancer educations and awareness and have made an amazing impact with their Think Pink Campaign. Zeta's are the kinds of girls who have everything going for them. They are smart, friendly, classy, well minded and have a strong passion for their philanthropy and the community around them.

A Zeta is the kind of girl that everyone wants to be. Their symbol is the crown and have known to the 'Queen of the Greeks" and their open motto is "Love, the greatest of all things". They are known to be the most beautiful at their universities and held to an extremely high standard while having an amazing voice in Greek Life. They are stereotyped as being wealthy, gorgeous, country club girls who are sweet but snappy.

Sure, Fraternity boys may go for the easy sorority to have a fun Friday night, although we all know who they will be crawling to for date to their formals and weekends.

What can they say? They have been accepting the only royalty since 1898 and only the best will be crowned.

Its not easy wearing the crown, Rush Zeta Tau Alpha or bow down.

by ZTACrowningTheBest December 31, 2014

105๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž

tau kappa epsilon

tau kappa epsilon is:

-where their average blood alcohol level is greater then their GPA.

-a bunch of guys standing in a room with no purpose.
roofie distribution center.

-a place where a bunch of morons go to pat each other on the back saying how awesome they are.

-people whom are proud to be associated to politicians.

-where you can drink like an idiot and be hailed as a champion.

-an vacuum of intelligence.

-where the best hazing takes place.

-the biggest "frat" in the nation which is why most greek organizations distance them selfs from the word "frat" and instead use "fraternity".

-where becoming a brother is the greatest achievement that associates will be likely to achieve in their lifetime.

-a nationwide network of boys where the only connection to each other are the letters on their shirts and the crappy beer they serve

-where the doushebags from highschool go if they arent cops and no, in case you are wondering they didnt change a bit either.

-the date in which TKE was founded is commonly known as the beginning of the downfall of the american fraternal organizations.

-Soulja boy's white boy fan club yes, these guys have the whole album and yes, they do play ALL the songs - if you heard any of em.. you know what im talking about

-if all TKEs were moved to Zimbabwe the percentage of Americans infected with STDs would drop by 1/4.

if you are at a bar and there are people screaming and chanting for no apparant reason, there are no ladies present, or if they have access to music they play really bad songs from 2003, it is likely they are associated with tke.

the college equivalent of a crack head.

where people go for the free beer and party, but none stay for the company of the brothers.

THAT GUY as in "dont be that guy" - is usually a tke.

the greatest threat to the reputation of fraternal organizations yet the smallest threat on a 1 to 1 personal level.

a group of people each privately thinking... maybe i joined the wrong club.

the guy who puts an exhaust and decals on a 95 honda civic yet does no engine modification. "the flame stickers makes it go faster"

were you can find that guy who was 28 when you were a freshman and was still attending school after you graduated with your masters

grown men whom still believe in the tooth fairy.

the skull thats on their coat of arms represents the demise of any character, personality, individualism, you may have had as well as the respect that will be lost by joining this organization.

he who only goes after women known to be "loose" being seen with a TKE automatically makes a woman look 97% more of slut ( with poor taste ) .

the guy at the weight room that does nothing but upper body and does not leave the mirror.

where members dont actually have to go to college to join
just ask elvis

a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon spawned paris hilton.

the nations leading promoter of sasuage-fest parties.

the butt of every joke for the rest of the greek community

id rather have my sister be dating a 40 year old convict then to be dating a tke- and its true

"there are far worse things then having cancer, i mean you could be a tke"
- and yes i have actually heard this EXACT phrase and the cancer patient recovered perfectly fine and still glad hes not in tke

Tau kappa Epsilon was created for that the everyday man can also have a fraternal organization. well they have it, these men are the run of the mill, nearly clones. possessing nothing to say of their character or self worth

aww your boyfirend is in tau kappa epsilon,? im sorry to hear that
"dont go greek go tke"

In a Tau Kappa Epsilon house,
so what are we doing tonight
same thing we do everynight DRINK! and force ourselfs onto drunk girls!
dude, that wasnt a girl last night, that was a pledge
oh, i thought there was something down there i liked

by Michael D. Suggs May 6, 2008

691๐Ÿ‘ 1040๐Ÿ‘Ž

zeta tau alpha

Zeta Tau Alpha is a nationally recognized sorority. Their motto is- Love, the greatest of all things.
Zeta's are classy girls. They can drink and party with the best of them, but they also hold the highest GPA's and give back to the community through various volunteer organizations. Zeta's are the girls men take home to their mothers but can drink your father under the table.

Not only do we have the looks, brains, and glamour, but most importantly the class to back it up. With our crowns on high and that Zeta sparkle in our eye, we are every guy's dream and every girl's envy. There's only one thing to be... and that's a Zeta!

Wow, that girl is amazing; she's got it all. She must be a Zeta Tau Alpha.

by Brandie Rose September 1, 2006

718๐Ÿ‘ 1093๐Ÿ‘Ž

Zeta Beta Tau

Zeta Bagel Throwers, Z-B-Hebes, a nationally jewish fraternity who's largest chapter is the only non-jewish chapter, and at UTD.

First Guy: Hey, those ZB-Hebes are having a party tonight.
Second Guy: Let's go throw bagels at them.

by Cankles November 20, 2004

162๐Ÿ‘ 230๐Ÿ‘Ž

Zeta Tau Alpha

The greatest sorority on earth, envied by every girl and wanted by every guy. We just run shit on campus like pro's. So for all you freshman who want to be one of us you better step your game up cuz it isn't easy wearing the Zeta crown!

"When we pass by with the crown, bitch bow down."

by Jen B. August 9, 2005

822๐Ÿ‘ 1298๐Ÿ‘Ž

Zeta Beta Tau

Pop your collar, gel your hair, these are the boys of Zeta Beta Tau. Since 1903 they have been jumping in on each others fights when one of them can't handle the job. You can find them at a local pub or social event crowded around an individual who is most likely too drunk to fight back. Rock on tough guys just remember not to mess up the hair!

Zeta Beta Tau: Lets go to the bar and jump someone!
Normal Human: Lets go to the bar and drink.
ZBT: Can I use your gel! If i can use your roids braaaa!
Normal Human: Gimme a hat. Peace

by Ashlee Simpsons Uncle Ralph November 14, 2006

128๐Ÿ‘ 190๐Ÿ‘Ž

Zeta Beta Tau

Children with rented brotherhood who desecrated the actual brotherhood of the Wounded Warriors April, 2015. While these men and women were losing limbs for freedom, Zeta Beta Tau was still trying to drunkedly lose their virginity, despite their UDT wanna be looking shorts, golf visors, and fishing shirts. This is a fraternity that has no problem burning a flag or two, spitting on the passersby legless Veteran, and harassing people who have seen so much horror they can barely sleep, all so Zeta Beta Tau can continue to act like they are somehow something special among a sea of lowlife pathetic pimple faced spoiled baby brats. Zeta Beta Tau stands for self-entitlement, self indulgence, immaturity, and everything wrong with our current generation of weak losers. Morbidly feeble minded garbage is the typical type of person to be found at Zeta Beta Tau, an institution who should be disbanded, and it's "brothers" dismembered.

I am from Zeta Beta Tau and was born with no dick or balls, so I have to harass Veterans that probably lost theirs to an IED to feel like I have at least an imaginary set.

by Orpheus_Lullaby April 24, 2015

59๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž