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Two words da bomb.

That boy Terrell something else.

by terrell0531 April 13, 2020


Terrell is a male name and He is a nice sweet guy and is always nice to whoever and will do anything for anyone and will Beat your ass if you piss him off and are always loyal to his friends

Omg!!! Is That Terrell

by Thaagurl_niyah November 22, 2021


Terrell is not tooo tall but he ain’t short, amazing jawline and fav color normally red. Athletic but dosent eat very much. Gets distracted by other women even though he falls in love hard. Hilarious and weird, sometimes almost robotic

Just saw terrell, he flirtin w that girl again.

by Honestly.tho March 2, 2019


He’s a lonely soul that survives off attention from hoes. He acts cocky but is actually insecure. He’s a manipulative liar because he’s ashamed to be himself. He’s stubborn and hypocritical. He can be a sweetheart at times but is known to be a dick. He laughs a lot and finds stupid things funny to cover up his pain.

I’ve never met someone as pathetic as Terrell”

by browneyes&butterflies July 14, 2020


Beautiful, Black and Boujee

Am finna find me a Terrell

by IPayMyBillsMyBillsArePaid November 22, 2021


Terrell is a world traveler who enjoys earless cats and reading Harlequin novels while making her friends’ beds. She’s the hostess with the mostess but does not have vegan marshmallows. She will drive to six different stores after the party is over in a guilt-ridden frenzy to make up for the lack of options. She only speaks in Terrellisms, which are mostly only known to her.

You said her name is Terrell? IT’S A UNISEX NAME GODDAMNIT.

by Terrell’s Friend August 7, 2022

Terrell Barnes

fucking badass

Have you seen Terrell Barnes yet?? He's a fucking badass!

by jigga_what October 3, 2010