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Dune Scroll

Dune Scroll is the act of rewatching Dune multiple times because it is available to you on HBO Max and it also kind of makes you wanna read the book, but maybe the only first three?

Jefferson: Ever since Dune has gotten on HBO Max I can’t stop the dune scroll!
Hamilton: Yeah, I’m constantly dune scrolling!

by DeepestSleepiest November 18, 2021

It's a dune buggy

When some one says or does something that no one acknowledges.

"Hey guys look at this!"
"It's a dune buggy"

by mga21 February 4, 2016

dune kune

An Arab goat fucker

Get that dune kune away from my goats!!!

by Looking for terrorists February 23, 2018

dune coon

another nickname for a dot head or a person from those crappy countries such as Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia.

I went to the Quickie Mart and the dune coon raised all the prices!

by OnE LoVe February 16, 2005

204πŸ‘ 183πŸ‘Ž

Dune Coon

Typically anyone of Arab or Indian decent, usually speaks in slur and mumbles muhammad, jihad and/or "dirka-dirka" at least three or more times in their sentences. Also known as terrorists and sand niggers. They are found at 7/11s to telemarkers across the globe.

"Our soldiers at war with a bunch of dune coons!"
"Holy shit! That dune coon's gonna blow us to high heaven!"

by DuneMaster April 28, 2009

26πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Dune Lion

Dune lion is a cat like animal that lives in the dunes of the beach and underneath the boardwalk. They are difficult to find and avoid people as much as possible. But if they are seen it will most likely be in the winter and late at night, when the beach is least populated. Ocean City, New Jersey is where most sightings have been from. They are very fast and like to run along the waters edge. Consider yourself to be very lucky if you get to see one of these unique animals.

Dune Lion, Cat like animals, size varies

by jersey animals January 22, 2011

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

dune coon

a person of middle eastern descent who belives in islam. islam is fake beleif started by an evil man named mohammed. Mohammed molested children and had a 9 yr old wife. in the quoran, or koran, its says to be nice to jews and christians. but in other sections of it, it says to kill the infidel, or ppl who are not muslim. it encourages this openly. This shows that all muslims are NOT evil, but ARE going to hell for beleiving in their false religion.all false religions were started by evil men. mormons. started by perverts.

pheww did u smell that after that dune coon walked by???

by Tyler from texas bitch! February 23, 2005

202πŸ‘ 201πŸ‘Ž