Intentionally starting an argument with your significant other and acting like you never did just so they’ll be mad at you and not wanna talk to you so that way you can do whatever you want to
you are always faking a fall out so you can be with other bitches
when your checking out someone from a distance and when you get closer it turn out it was nothing like what you thought she/him would look like.
dang that girl in the blue dress looks good *walks closer to girl* uuhhhmmm never mind its a five mile fake out, she looks 40.
Being so savagely tricked that you can't believe what just happened. (i.e. A teacher telling you don't need to worry about an exam and then giving you the most difficult test you've ever taken)
Guy #1 - Nancy asked for my number. I I thought we were going to go out, but she just pinned it in the girl's bathroom with a "Text me for period advice" sign.
Guy #2 - Damn bro, spicy fake-out