(Phrase can also be re-arranged)
to say "Light the Greens"
ay dog, I've been workin too hard, lets go light the greens.
When every traffic light turns green in a row, usually on a long stretch of road that is very busy. Occurs rarely, but sometimes happens when you desperately need it.
Josh- "Dude, I was running late for work but down Wilder road I hit a green light frenzy and just made it with 2 minutes to spare!"
Mike- "Lucky bastard! I usually get stopped in traffic!"
the act of honking your car's horn at the car in front of your when they're caught snoozing when a stoplight turns green.
Ex 1: I green light goosed somebody so hard yesterday, they did a burn out!
Ex 2: Dude, green light goose that Toyota in front of you!
when your about to have sex and usually the woman will give a signal typically with their eyes and facial expression signalling her consent
Girl: *closes eyes slowly*
(or pulls any expression giving an obvious consent face)
Guy:'was that it, was that the green light, am i good to go?!'
its where people are so fuckin dumb and they dont know how to fuckin hold still
in squid game red light green light indian man save asain bitch from dying and asain person come back 3 years later and say ive played these befreore or whatevre man